The Naked Painters – Adelaide Fringe Review – 3.5 stars

Did you know you could paint with THAT?

I didn’t, but I do now!

What a fun and entertaining show. Tim Patch invented penis painting in 2004 and became the first artist to paint full time with his penis. That’s quite an achievement!

Tim has two alter egos – Pricasso who begins the show and Speedy da Vinci, the showman of the second half. Pricasso demonstrates his skills and explains in great detail his techniques and the process. At times the level of detail has the audience slightly uncomfortable, or perhaps in slight disbelief, however his delivery is humorous, self deprecating and not at all sexual or sleazy. It is all about a good natured and convivial sharing of his story.

Pricasso’s first painting was of a woman in an abstract style and whilst painting, he described the type of paint he used, his cleaning and “brushstroke” techniques as well as sharing some stories of his worldwide adventures.

His painting was set to a backdrop of a large screen on which he projected videos of his TV and other live performances. Technically, this is an area that could be vastly improved, but the idea is good and the footage interesting.

The second part of the show comprised Speedy da Vinci painting the portrait of a volunteer, of which there were many, from the audience. Again he regaled us with stories while he painted and kept the audience laughing and totally engaged.

Some rather comic moments involving a brush going where I didn’t think it could or should and a nifty credit card swipe, keep the audience entertained. Certainly a really fun, unique and amusing show.

Reviewed by Samantha Tipler, photo by Samantha Tipler with permission from Tim Patch.
Playing at Gluttony and The Bakehouse various dates until 17 March.






Author: Samantha Tipler

I live to create and I thrive on others' creativity and passion. I write, paint, design, market and engage (and drink wine). You can find more about my art and corporate communications at

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